Suit of Armor Hoodie


Hoodies! I love em, you love em. And now a cute hipster boy is making a suit of armor hoodie. Yes please!! I have no idea how much they are because he’s sold out of them on his Etsy store. Good job dude! But you should all definitely email him and then make your wo/man be your very own Jaqen H’ghar.

Chivalry is back in this unique set of knight’s armor from the SOF works. Joust, battle Saxons, high five a SunBro, or just rock around town in this modern plate armour. Fully retractable face plate and visor hood keeps the wearer ready for anything, while the fixed breast plate, spauldrons, and elbow couters add elements of style and strength from an a age long past. Serged interior for professional quality, and reinforced stitching on all armored pieces for durability.

The Grey Knight has proven valor and his cause is just. Wear this armor and show your quality.

Yes- This is made to order.
Yes- New armour is in development.
Yes- It rocks.

For proper fit, buyer must provide proper fitting adult T- shirt size. An arm length measurement is also helpful, but not required.
Note, this garment is designed to be close fit, not tight.


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