Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?


I seem to have spent much of this holiday season on the topic of constructed lovers. I’ve touched on dolls, robots, and androids, and the boxes Daleks travel in which are practically the same thing, and other mechanisms for sexual delight. There is something about making love to inanimate objects which seems very appropriate for this materialistic time of year. An interesting aspect of these gadgets which I have noticed is that the ones for women tend to be very functional but not very attractive. The machines for men tend to have much attention paid to appearance, but, when it comes to the act, they just lie there and the guy has to do all the work. No wonder the world needs Real Doll surgery experts. The Roboraptor can play “tug-of-war games” so I’m thinking I should have been more imaginative when making my Winter Solstice pagan desires list. Check out the video clips at this Roboraptor shopping link and tell me those women don’t look like they need to get laid. If there is one thing in life which can be depended upon, it is that human beings will figure out how to use almost any technology for some sexual purpose.


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