Basin City is Official


I would not have expected the web’s free encyclopedia to have an entry for the ficitonal setting for the movie Sin City, but it does.

Basin City, almost universally referred to by the nickname Sin City, is a fictional town in the American West, located somewhere in the desert, presumably in Nevada or California. It hardly ever rains, and the rain it does get is sparse. The Basin City Police are either lazy cowards or corrupt. The red-light-district “Old Town” is off-limits to police, and is home to the city’s whore population; it recently came under the control of the Twins. The rich and powerful of Basin City live in a suburb outside the city proper, a half an hour drive uphill.

Other locations of interest are Katie’s (where Nancy Callahan and Shellie work, and Marv and Dwight McCarthy hang out) and the Basin City Central Train Station, which has a direct connection to Phoenix. (via Wikipedia)

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